Remodeling Fun
My adventure into my own remodel has begun I had this master bathroom with a tiny shower that would never look clean due to the fact that whoever installed the grout got dirt in it, two tiny closets that just were not very successful at holding my stuff, and a vanity that just didn’t scream master bathroom. Now I know these are all complaints that are my own doing and the bathroom was functional, but not for me. So after a free day, it was ripped out.
Now here is where I caution you all. PLAN PLAN PLAN. Sure its fun to smash the things that bug you to bits, but where do we go from there? Always have a final destination in mind. When you go at it all willy nilly, the process will be frustrating. Be patient, ask questions, don’t be afraid to try and learn things throughout the process. You may find you can get something thats more functional or what you didn’t think was possible. Then you will be ready to start.
It is a really dirty, dusty, awful process tearing into your home. Make sure you get the final result YOU want. Be resourceful, do your research, don’t be afraid to ask, and have fun. I know I am.