NKBA Members Mesa Arizona

MK Remodeling of Mesa, Arizona is a proud member of the NKBA (National Kitchen & Bath Association).
Who Is The NKBA
NKBA is the abbreviation for The National Kitchen & Bath Association, which is a trade association that owns the (KBIS) Kitchen & Bath Industry Show. NKBA was founded in 1963, is currently 14,000 members strong and very well known in the bath and kitchen industry.
Their Vision
NKBA’s vision is to have a world where homeowners enjoy functional, beautiful and safe bath and kitchen spaces.
Their Mission
Their Mission is to empower, lead and inspire in bath and kitchen industry through creation of networks, marketplaces and certification.
Member Requirements
NKBA members are all required to:
- Conduct all business and work affairs with fidelity to suppliers and clients, fairness to all concerned, and devotion to ideals of honor.
- Accept compensation for business dealings from a single source with full consent and knowledge from all interested persons.
- Make No misleading or false statements to employees, employers, public, or any other persons we create business relationships with.
- Full disclosure of all fees, carrying charges, and interest charges to uphold all regulations and laws pertaining to all professional and business activity.
- Assist clients in obtaining and understanding their rights implied in warranties, agreements, and contracts.
- Conduct business without prejudice as to an individual’s disability, ethnicity, national origin, religion, color, race, gender or age.
- Do not use unfair means to gain a competitive advantage over competitive firms or use questionable or improper methods of solicitation.
- Take part in advancement of the bathroom and kitchen industry by exchanging info with fellow members.
Take A Look At Our Kitchen & Bath Projects