Revisiting some common remodeling mistakes


Good remodeling advice is always worth repeating.

We stumbled across some good advice in a newspaper column by a plumber in Portland on avoiding common remodeling mistakes.

First, always set a budget. The best way to avoid paying too much money is to decide how much you are willing to spend and stick to it. A good remodeler will provide an estimate and can tell you what increasing or decreasing your budget will do to your project.

Second, consider resale value. Even if resale is many years away, remember to choose projects with universal function and appeal that have a good return on investment. Your future self will thank you.

Finally, have a plan! Remodeling isn’t something you can wing. That’s a great way to waste time and money. Meet with a remodeler and lay out your goals, budget, and ideal timeline. A good remodeler can give you a realistic assessment of the possibilities. The best of plans will allow some wiggle room for unforeseen events.

If something does go wrong, follow the lead of the couple remodeling their 1924 farmhouse in Hyattsvile, Md., who are giving a play-by-play to The Washington Post.

Their account of overcoming water leaks, hastily installed window trim, and failing plumbing inspection gives you a deeper understanding of what a total home remodel can entail.

Have a good week!

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