Remember the port-a-potties, and other quirky remodeling tips


While Election Day has come and gone, remodeling advice is still in season, so here are a few tips we hope you, uh, elect to do. (Sorry for the reach.)

Today’s hot link arrives from the Chicago Tribune and features some quirky remodeling tips you might not have thought of.

The article’s first tip is a reminder to order a port-a-potty for any worksite. Now, depending on the scope of your job, that might not be necessary. However, thinking ahead is always a good idea.

Remember to always keep a bathroom functioning during a job, otherwise you are you-know-what out of luck. And if you are uncomfortable with a worker using your bathroom, consider ordering a portable toilet. There will be no judgment! Everyone will understand your concern for privacy or cleanliness, given that even the most careful construction worker can accidentally bring in dirt or mess.

The second tip also involves thinking ahead. Remember to plan for your curb appeal. In the article, the remodeler bought lots of plants on discount in the fall, put them in temporary digs over the winter, then planned to feature them prominently after construction was completed. Great idea.

The final tip is to be brave. Don’t be afraid to take a risk. While some jobs won’t totally recoup their value, seeing a project you are emotionally invested in come to fruiting is payment in itself.

Have a great week!

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