In this blog, we’ve encouraged our customers to go with their gut when it comes to their home remodeling decisions. You are the best judge of what works for your home, and so long as it’s safe, no contractor will stand in your way.
One place where trusting your gut is especially important is in the payment department. Just this week, Phoenix police arrested an unlicensed contractor accused of taking money and walking away from incomplete jobs.
Worse is that some of those complaining customers are disabled, according to the Arizona Registrar of Contractors.
There are a couple of valuable lessons to take away from this situation. First, don’t ever pay the full costs up front and in cash. It sounds straightforward, but it happens time and again. That’s a giveaway for someone looking to defraud you. However, down payments are very common, and also negotiable! A good contractor will work with customers on a price that works for both parties. Good contractors will also establish a payment plan based on project milestones or a timeline approved by both parties, and will set it in writing. Get your deals on paper and know what you are signing!
Second, you should not use the services of an unlicensed contractor. This also sounds simple, but too many times people hoping to save a few bucks look the other way when it comes to licenses. And those people end up paying more in the long run.
Licenses ensure quality work and protect customers. Too many times we have arrived on jobs and uncovered sloppy work, work not under code, or work that is unsafe. A good contractor will be happy to discuss their qualifications. One who doesn’t is not one you should be using.
Now, on to more luxurious matters! When it comes to getting the most out of you money, small-to-medium-sized bathroom remodels are the way to go.
We really liked an article on KTAR.com about five trends in bathroom remodels.
As we’ve noted before, more homeowners are looking to add a more luxurious feel to their bathrooms. That includes walk-in showers with waterfall or multiple shower heads, free-standing bathtubs with romantic touches such as an infinity edge, or mini fireplaces and high-def televisions. That all sounds so nice!
Have a good week!
When writing about a complicated subject, one of my professors told me to write like I was explaining it to a third grader. Her advice sticks with me today: Keep it simple, stupid!
Remodeling your home can be a complicated ordeal. You have to balance your expectations with your budget. You have to plan for what you want, but remain open to things neither you nor your contractor could foresee. In order to keep sane during those confusing times, it’s important to keep it simple.
The straightforward advice in Time.com’s article about home remodeling lessons hits the nail on the head.
First, talk to a real estate agent. His or her expertise can save you time, money, and stress.
Second, study! Consult a home remodeling blog (ahem!) or website to get the latest on trends, tips, and tricks of the trade.
Third, hire a licensed contractor (ahem!). I might be biased, but I have a stellar recommendation.
Fourth, get an interior designer (ahem!). I think I know someone! Her work is available here, too.
Elsewhere, get your dealings in writing, make contingency plans, think contemporary, and always make sure you have the right paperwork.
I guess my advice is simple: Give us a call!
Have a good week!
You’ve probably heard the expression to “Go big, or go home.” Well, when it comes to remodeling your home, going big doesn’t always mean breaking the bank. Allow us to explain.
We don’t necessarily mean going big in scope. We mean going big in style, in pizazz. Turn some heads, you know?
An article on Huffington Post titled “10 Design Features for Your Remodel” underscores this very idea.
Our favorite design upgrades include integrating your refrigerator into the cabinetry or walls to “hide” the fridge, installing a fire pit, a free-standing tub, built-in cabinetry, a wine cellar and a show-stopping front door.
Imagine walking into a sleek kitchen with a hidden refrigerator, roasting marshmallows on a crisp fall evening, sinking into a warm bath after a long day at work, or welcoming your friends into your house through a rustic barn door. All of that screams luxury, relaxation, and fun!
Incorporating any of these designs will give your home that cool factor and leave a lasting impression on visitors. And that’s the goal!
If we’ve piqued your interest, give our Design Blog or Portfolio a look and we can get started.
Have a good Labor Day!