Trending in the Bathroom 

I always say go with what you like, eventually what you have done will be on trend. I know a few of these I presented to clients in the past few years and they looked at me like I was a little crazy. Its ok sometimes I feel like I am too. Here 11 things that are trending this year!

– Kristina

Embrace the Imperfections

I swear I am the worst at remembering to write these things. Of course not being the most eloquent writer or one who can sit down and focus enough to write a full sentence doesn’t seem to help.

So to bring everything up to speed. I bought my first house. I can’t get over the feeling that I can do anything I want to it. Lime green countertops are a possibility (not that I would ever do that to myself.) So this brings up a really tough point. Remodeling. As I walk around there is always a list of I wannas. I stare at gorgeous pictures of perfectly staged homes all day, get to shop for beautiful materials and brainstorm about everything a client might want to change in their home. Then I get to go home and do the same thing. 

I realized that perhaps this can be the worst thing for a home owner. I have to remind myself this is a starter home not a mega mansion and I’m not a millionaire. That floor tile isn’t so bad, not something I would pick but its there and its all done without going to the dust and cleaning and the yucky stages. All I can say is if you are having this same issue as I am, relax. Embrace those imperfections. The the wabi-wabi style that you have going on because it is yours and you can eventually change it if you like, but a huge multi-slider to the backyard may not be right for you. Or that big island you always wanted may not fit in the space. Embrace your space and make the changes that are right for you and your wallet. 

– Kristina 

Windowless Bathroom Solutions

I am the worst about consistently writing, with everything going on I just put it off until I can sit down and think. With several projects in their final phases, this has been hard to do. So here I am finally in the office catching up and I wanted to bring a few ideas to you guys on how to make that windowless bathroom not feel like a cave. I know many homes have at least one bathroom without a window, and it starts to get a little small with everything that has to fit in the space. So here are a few things that will make it stylish and make it feel bright and open.
