Springing into a remodel, and its costs

Spring is a time of transition. Here in the Valley, we are savoring the last few days of cool weather before the scorching heat of the summer.

With transition in mind, many people use Spring as a time to explore remodeling. This is the topic of the Marketplace Weekend chat hosted by David Lazarus on marketplace.org.

Lazarus talks to Tom Silva, general contractor with “This Old House,” about remodeling during this time. Have a listen!

Now that we’ve piqued your interest, it’s time to discuss the dollars and cents of remodeling. Going into a remodel with an idea of what it might cost will help you avoid sticker shock and overpaying.

While every home is different, DailyFinance.com has a great article on the national average cost of several home projects.

Among the highlights:

·      $19, 935 for a kitchen remodel.
·      $8, 940 for a bathroom remodel.
·      $2,500 for an exterior paint job.
·      $35,000 to build an addition.
·      $3,500 for a foundation.
·      $6,429 for a roof.

Have a good week!