How remodeling influences home prices at resale, and other links

We’ve spoken at length about which remodeling projects have the best return on investment. Many homeowners will use that information to put their minds at ease when embarking on a large remodel.

Of course, those numbers aren’t set in stone, so it’s important to seek out other factors, such as the expertise of realtors, when deciding on a remodel.

In this article, real estate agents explain the correlation between remodeling and home prices. They advise that people undertake projects because they want them, and not just because they feel it gives them a leg up at resale. If you’re absolutely set on sprucing up the place for sale, the experts recommend you think smaller: replace entry doors, replace garage doors, re-side the exterior, or add a tile backsplash.

In short, the marketplace will determine what happens in the long term, so get started on that passion project for you and you alone.

Speaking of numbers, has a wonderful infographic called Kitchen Remodels by the Numbers. So, take a look at the cost of a midrange major kitchen remodel ($54,000), the percentage breakdown of where that money goes on a kitchen remodel, and how long appliances will last.

If numbers aren’t your thing, check out Consumer Reports’ kitchen upgrades that will stand the test of time. Colorful appliances, beverage centers, and simple designs are all on the list.

Have a good week!